Project Management & Collaboration

💡 Tablize provides users with a new way of data management and collaboration through Data Projects. Users can organize and manage similar data tables and data dashboards within a project. They can also collaborate with teams and share their data, eliminating the need to transfer local data files and improving data workflow efficiency.

📖 This document will guide you on how to use Data Projects to manage data and collaborate with teams in Tablize.

Tablize has prepared sample data for you, which you can download here: Sample Data.

Creating Data Projects

  1. In the Tablize workspace, click on the "+" symbol in the "Sidebar" to create a new data project.


  1. Click the "+" symbol on the left side of the project to create new data tables or data dashboards. Here, we will move the existing "Order" data table and "Order-Dashboard" into the new project.


  1. Now you can manage the "Order" data table and "Order-Dashboard" through the new project and collaborate with your team on data-related tasks.

Data Project Management and Collaboration

  1. Click on the data project to enter the project homepage. Here, you can see recently used data resources, manage project members, and configure project settings.


  1. Click on "Project Members Management" to add Tablize member accounts with whom you want to share the project. You can also set different permissions to manage your sharing.


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