< Contents

How to use VLOOKUP to find matching data

💡 Tablize provides a powerful Vlookup data query and matching function, eliminating the need for users to input formulas. You can complete data matching queries through the convenient formula panel.

📖 This document will demonstrate an example of the Vlookup function to help you understand how to use this feature more efficiently.

We can use the name information in the "name" table to match and query the Address, Product, and Total Amount data in the "order" table.



  1. In the "name" table, click the "vlookup" button to open the Vlookup formula panel.


  1. In the "other sheet column" field, select the "order" table. Then, select the Address, Product, and Total Amount data columns. For the condition, choose the "Customer name" column in the "order" table, and set it equal to the "name" column in the "name" table.


  1. After clicking "Done," you will obtain the corresponding name data from the "order" table!


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