Instance Management

💡 After registering a Tablize account, a free Tablize instance will be activated. This instance is similar to an independent server where all your data processing takes place. Different server configurations can handle different levels of data. Tablize offers a variety of instance specifications to help you efficiently complete your data tasks.

In the instance management, you can independently start and stop the instance, manage the domain name of the instance, update the instance version, upgrade the instance specification, and renew the usage time of Tablize.

📖 This document will provide you with information about Tablize instances to help you better understand Tablize.


Updating Instance Versions

Tablize regularly updates its versions and introduces new features to enhance the user experience and data processing capabilities. Users can update their instance versions from the instance management page.


  1. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the sidebar to access the instance management page.

  2. Click on the arrow symbol to the right of the version to enter the version update page.

For more version information, please refer to the Release Notes.

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