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How to merge tables

💡 Tablize provides a multi-table merging feature. Using "Union," you can combine multiple tables into a single consolidated table. Tablize automatically checks if the data fields match to ensure the accuracy of the merge.

📖 This document demonstrates Tablize's ability to merge tables using the "Union" feature, helping you quickly consolidate data from two or even multiple tables.

Based on the example tables, "Book 1" and "Book 2," we will now merge these two tables into one consolidated table.

  1. Select either "Book 1" or "Book 2" table, click the "Union" feature to open the table merging window. In this example, we will choose "Book 1" table.


  1. Click "Select Union Table" and choose "Book 2" table. Tablize will automatically match fields with the same name. Modify the merge label to "Book" and click "OK."


  1. The merge is complete, and you have obtained the merged table.


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