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How to combine column data

💡 Tablize offers a data field merging feature, where users can use the Concat function to combine multiple columns or data fields into a single field.

📖 This document demonstrates how to use Tablize's Concat function to merge data fields, helping you quickly combine multiple data fields.

Based on the example table, "split order book," we will merge the "customer name," "product," and "Total Amount" columns into a single column, using a hyphen "-" as the data delimiter.

  1. Select the "split order book" table and click the Concat function to open the data field merging panel.


  1. Choose to write the result in a new column, add and select the columns you want to merge, and use a hyphen "-" as the delimiter. Click OK.


  1. After completing the data field merging, you will have a new column with the merged data.


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