Formula Explanation

The XLOOKUP formula is used to search a source table, match a specified criteria, and retrieve the value from the "Source Table Content Column" to write it into the result table.

Formula Syntax

In the result column: XLOOKUP(Result Table Matching Column, Source Table Matching Column, Source Table Content Column)
  • The parameters can be referenced using column codes, which are the labels at the top of each column in the table, such as AA1.
  • Result Table Matching Column: The column in the result table that you want to match (the table where the formula is written).
  • Source Table Matching Column: The column in the source table that you want to search for a match.
  • Source Table Content Column: The column in the source table from which you want to retrieve the content.

Usage Example

Based on the content in column FD2, the formula searches for a match in column FC2 and retrieves the value from column FC3. The result is written into column FD3.

FD3 = xlookup(fd2, fc2, fc3)


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