Formula Explanation

Calculate the estimated standard deviation for specified columns of data rows that meet given conditions.

The standard deviation measures the extent to which values are dispersed around the mean.

Formula Syntax

Enter in the result column: stdevsif(column number, condition)
  • You can use column references as parameters, i.e., the CODE at the top of each column in the table, e.g., AA1.

  • Condition: Filtering conditions for selecting data based on IDs. For example: AB1 = AD3, AB1 = 13, AB1 < 100.9.

Usage Example

Calculate the standard deviation for the values in column EK2 corresponding to the condition EK2 = EJ2, and write the result in column EK3.

EK3 = stdevsif(EJ3, EK2 = EJ2)


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