Formula Explanation

Filter data rows based on specified conditions and calculate the X/4 quantile for the specified column.

Formula Syntax

quartileif(column number, quartile number, filter condition)
  • Quartile number: An integer from 1 to 3, representing the 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 quantiles, respectively.

  • Condition: Filtering conditions for selecting data based on IDs. For example: AB1 = AD3, AB1 = 13, AB1 < 100.9.

  • You can use column references as parameters, i.e., the CODE at the top of each column in the table, e.g., AA1.

Usage Example

Calculate the 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 values of the DX2 column's content and write the results into the EB table.



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