Formula Explanation

Returns a conditional result based on a specified condition. It evaluates a logical expression and returns one value if the expression is true and another value if it's false.

  1. Compares a value to an expected value logically.

  2. Performs logical evaluation based on the truth or falseness of a logical expression.

  3. Returns different results based on the condition, executing numerical or formulaic condition tests.

Formula Syntax

Enter in the result column: IF(condition, value to return if true, value to return if false)

Given a condition, if a value meets the condition, it is A, and if it doesn't meet the condition, it is B.

Usage Example

Determine if the values in column DA2 are greater than 5. If they are, display "yes"; otherwise, display "no" in column DA3.

DA3 = if(DA2>5,"yes","no")


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