Formula Explanation

Converts two integer values (16-bit) into a double integer value (32-bit).

Formula Syntax

Enter in the result column: dint(code, code)

Parameter Description

  • Note: A 16-bit integer consists of 16 binary bits (16#7FFF), with a maximum integer value of 32767.

  • In PLC, signed numbers are represented using binary two's complement notation, with the highest bit being the sign bit.

  • When the highest bit is 0, the number is positive; when the highest bit is 1, the number is negative. So, after conversion, it becomes -701.

  • (Two's complement is a representation where positive numbers remain the same, and for negative numbers, you take the bitwise NOT of the positive number and add 1.)

  • Similarly, 32-bit double integer numbers follow the same principles.

Usage Example

Convert the values in columns CQ2 and CQ3 to double integer values, and write the results into column CQ4.

CQ4 = dint(CQ2, CQ3)


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