Formula Explanation

Returns the day of the week index for a date, where Monday is 1 and Sunday is 7.

Formula Syntax

Enter in the result column: dayofweek(date / data column, [returnType])
  • date / data column: Represents the input of the date, which can be a specific date value or a data column containing date values.

  • returnType: Used to specify the type of return value, with three options, default is 2.

    • 1: Returns 1 to 7 (Sunday to Saturday).

    • 2: Returns 1 to 7 (Monday to Sunday).

    • 3: Returns 0 to 6 (Monday to Sunday).

Usage Example

  1. Calculate the day of the week corresponding to the dates in column CM2, and write the results into column CM3.
CL3 = dayofweek("CL2")


September 2, 2023, is a Saturday

  1. returnType=1,value = 7
CL3 = dayofweek("CL2,1")
  1. returnType=3,value = 5
CL3 = dayofweek("CL2,3")
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