
Formula Explanation

Generate a time record at regular intervals from the start time to the current time.

Formula Syntax

Enter in the index column: datetime(start_time, interval_time)
  • start_time: Time format, such as "2022-10-05 00:00:00," indicating starting from October 5, 2022, at 00:00:00.
  • interval_time: In seconds, e.g., 3600 (1 hour), 86400 (1 day).
  • The minimum interval time is 1 second. The calculation of the start time will ignore seconds; for example, 8:05:30 will be treated as starting from 8:05:00.
  • Parameters can also be data columns, i.e., the CODE at the top of each column in the table, e.g., AA1.

Usage Example

Generate dates from January 2023 to the current date, with a monthly interval. Write the results into the CX1 index column.

CX1 = datetime("2023-01", "yyyy-MM")


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