Formula Explanation

The ceiling function is used to obtain the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to a given value.

Formula Syntax

Enter in the result column: ceil(value / column_number)
  • You can use column references as arguments, for example: AA1, which represents the data in the column at the top of the table with the code "AA1."

Usage Examples

  1. To round up the values in column BR2 and write the results into column BR3, you can use the formula you provided:
BR3 = ceil(BR2)

This formula will calculate the ceiling (round up) of each value in column BR2 and place the results in the corresponding cells of column BR3.


  1. To round up a specific value, such as 13.1, and place the result in cell BS2, you can use the formula you mentioned:
BS2 = ceil(13.1)

This formula will calculate the ceiling of 13.1 and place the result, which is 14, in cell BS2.


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