Formula Explanation

For Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) languages, this function converts full-width (double-byte) characters into half-width (single-byte) characters.

  • Here's an example illustrating the difference between full-width and half-width characters:
    • Full-width punctuation characters occupy two character widths, such as ",。!?"
    • Half-width punctuation characters occupy one character width, such as ".,!?"

Formula Syntax

In the results column, enter: ASC(column number / text).

The ASC function syntax has the following parameters:

  • You can input a column number, for example, AA1, to reference the content of column AA1.

  • You can input text content. If the text does not contain any full-width (double-byte) letters, it will not be converted.

Usage Examples

  1. Convert the characters in column BN2 to half-width characters and write them to column BN3.
BN3 = ASC(BN2)


  1. Enter 123,456 in cell BO2 and make it in half-width form.
BO2 = ASC("123,456")


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